St Hildegard's Cold & Flu Powder Recipe

recipes Jun 03, 2024
St Hildegard's Cold & Flu Powder Recipe

St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179), a German Benedictine abbess, polymath, and Doctor of the Church, experienced mystical visions from the age of three, which she attributed to "the voice of the living light." This voice of God commanded her to document an extensive array of medicinal knowledge, detailing the properties and uses of various plants. Among her many remedies, she described an herbal powder featuring the geranium plant, designed to prevent and treat colds and flus and to heal the heart, particularly after it has been affected by the flu. In this post, we will share her recipe for creating this healing powder.

Note: This post is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advise. Consult a physician before using any herbal product, particularly if you are pregnant or on medications.

St Hildegard's Cold & Flu Powder Recipe


  • 4 tsp cranesbill powder (Geranium spp.)
  • 3 tsp pellitory powder (Anacyclus pyrethrum, also known as Akarkara root)
  • 2 tsp nutmeg powder (Mystica fragrans)

Or, you can order these three powders pre-mixed in the correct proportions here.


Hildegard's exact instructions from her medical book Physica are as follows:

"Take herb Robert [Geranium robertianum], a little less pellitory [Anacyclus pyrethrum] and even less nutmeg, and reduce them to a powder and mix them together. One with heart pain should eat this powder with bread or, if eaten without bread, he should lick it from his hand. He will be better since this is the best powder for a healthy heart.

"And, whosoever has a runny nose should place this powder near his nose and inhale its odor. The runny nose will dissipate gently and mildly, dissapearing quickly without danger to the person.

"Also, one who has a cough and constriction in his chest should mix flour, this powder, and lard or butter in a small dish and make little cakes. He should eat them often, with or without food. This gently and tenderly weakens the cough and chest wound, and brings them to an end, making the person better.

"And, one who has a pain in his chest, because his chest is congested, or one who has pain in his throat, so that he has lost his voice, should drink this powder in warm wine. His chest and throat will be better.

"But, one who has a pain in his head will be better if he adds salt to this powder and eats it, with bread or licked from his hand."

Usage Recommendations

Doctors Wighard Strehlow and Gottfried Hertzka, who have incorporated St. Hildegard's medicine in their practice for many years and wrote about it, offer the following guidelines:

  • At the onset of flu: Take two to three pinches of this powder daily for four weeks.
  • During flu season: Take 1/2 teaspoon of this powder on salad or in soup as a preventative measure. (In our family, we especially enjoy the powder blended in banana smoothies, sprinkled on toast with butter and honey, and mixed with applesauce for the kiddos.)

In their experience, this remedy is a highly effective preventative measure, demonstrating that St. Hildegard's powder is more than just a historical remedy; it is a testament to the enduring wisdom of traditional herbal medicine. While modern science continues to reveal the benefits of herbal remedies, St. Hildegard's divine insights remain a valuable resource for those seeking natural ways to enhance their health and well-being.

I'm Mary Fernandez, a Catholic mom of five with a passion for history and ancient remedies.Ā Here at Humble Housewives, I dive intoĀ the world of holy saints and healing plants. WantĀ to stay in the loop about new blog posts?