14 Miraculous Photographs of Jesus
Oct 24, 2020
One of my favorite Catholic devotions is the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus.
Ever since starting this devotion about a year ago, my love for Jesus has deepened, and my experiences at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have heightened.
For example, one time a little boy in the choir was singing in such an earnest and fervent way–just belting his little heart out!–and I saw in my imagination the face of Jesus laughing so hard and with the biggest, most beautiful smile.
More often, though, when the priest is saying the words of the consecration, I can see in my imagination the face of Jesus in his stead.
To learn more about this devotion and the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face, click here.
The images below are alleged real photographs of Jesus taken by various people all over the world and decades apart. While these photographs appear to show Christ's face at different ages and with different expressions, the similarity of the features and even the clothing in these photos is absolutely striking.
I would love to hear from someone who has had visions of Jesus– do these photos look like Him to you?
I don't know whether the photos or the details of the stories behind them are authentic or accurate. I linked to sources where I could find them, but if you find better sources or information for any of these photos, please let me know.
That being said, given the striking similarities between all of the images, and the subtle differences in camera angle, age of subject, pose of subject, expression, etc., I personally don't doubt that these are all images of the same person... and I believe that person is Jesus Christ.
What do you think?
Take look for yourself at these 14 miraculous photos of Jesus...
1. Europe, Date Unknown
High resolution print available in the shop
This is my personal favorite, and I keep it as the wallpaper on my phone.
Story of Photo:
This extraordinary image was reported to have mysteriously appeared in a roll of film belonging to a nun who had been visiting the holy places of Europe. She never remembered seeing or photographing this image anywhere and did not know how it got there. Miraculous? No one knows. One thing only is certain - the draw of those amazing eyes! [Source]
2. Rome, 1987
This photograph was taken by the Kenyan nun Sister Anna Alí in Rome, on September 8 (Feast of the Nativity of Mary), 1987, when the Lord appeared to her, transmitting to her a calling for the conversion of the world, and an exhortation to maintain the devotion to the Eucharist. The apparitions to the nun were to continue until 1991.
Jesus permitted Sister Anna to take His photograph on various occasions of His appearance, and in subsequent revelations gave reasons fo making Himself visible now in our time.
- "Listen to me. I am above this earth. I allow myself to be seen after many warnings."
- "I make myself visible in order to bring back souls."
- "I love mankind and I make myself visible in order to give my warnings of mercy."
- "Many do not listen to me because they do not believe in my reality." [Source]
The cause for Sister Anna Ali's canonization has now been opened.
3. Italy, 1960s
This photo was taken by Eugenio Siragusa (Italy) sometime in 1960's. [Source]
4. Columbia, 2000
This photo was taken by a theologian in Medellín, Colombia, on November 26, 2000, Feast of Christ King of the Universe. This theologian had been seeing apparitions of the Lord since Good Thursday, 1992. [Source]
5. Spain, 1936-1939
This picture of the face of Jesus of Nazareth appeared miraculously when photographs were taken of the return of a chalice to the tabernacle of a Spanish church which had been pillaged during the Spanish civil war (1936-39). [Source]
6. Columbia, 1982-1983
This image is the inversion of a photocopy, whose donor towards 1983 claimed that in Colombia a nun encouraged a friend to take the photograph, since she could see the Lord, although he could only see an empty chair. [Source]
7. Holy Land, 1982
Mid October 1982, a couple on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land had a roll of film developed. This picture of Jesus was in with the group of photos they had taken. Neither one of them had taken such a photo. [Source]
8. Jerusalem, Date Unknown
This photo appeared from a negative developed in Puerto Rico. The person who took the photo was capturing a landscape in Jerusalem. [Source]
9. Shroud of Turin, 1978
This image was obtained by NASA in 1978 with the use of image processing techniques from photographic negatives of the shroud of Turin. [Source]
10. Weather Satellite, Date Unknown
The face of Jesus miraculously appeared on a weather satellite photograph! Notice the lighted cross that appears across His forehead and down the bridge of His nose. [Source]
11. Florida, 1972
In 1972, a woman was traveling by plane over Jacksonville, Florida. During the flight, a severe thunderstorm was taking place and she decided to take a few pictures of the lightening outside of the airplane window. Aside from the lightening, she hadn't seen anything too unusual. Later, when she got the pictures developed, she was amazed by what she saw. [Source]
12. Mexico, 1999
Sequence by photographer José Antonio Duch Manzano, obtained at 5 p.m. of February 6, 1999, when he was circulating together with Andrés Castellá Planch en route to Mineral El Chico, in El Mezquital, one of the poorest areas of Mexico. They both saw Jesus. [Source]
13. Mexico, 1998
14. Eucharist, Late 1800's or early 1900's

I'm Mary Fernandez, a Catholic mom of five with a passion for history and ancient remedies.Ā Here at Humble Housewives, I dive intoĀ the world of holy saints and healing plants. WantĀ to stay in the loop about new blog posts?